I have never seen an evolution, going straight from A to B, turning straight from oh oh oh
I expect a ruthless revolution, for you dressed up as animals, I dressed down to oh oh oh
and I, I have heard this before
and I, I am getting so bored
youve been sitting in those chairs for centuries, bragging with your misery, spreading out your history to me, but in a wink of a pretty boy, you gather all your toys and fear the fall of one whole monarchy
and I, I have heard this before
and I, I am getting so bored
boys bail out
we will write our own biography
breed dies out
whos there to make it up
cry out loudthere will be a shaken century
of aliens and dykes and queens, and all the kings in between, the kings in between
we will write our stories full of spaces for the ugly and the princess will save every horse she meets, and your pretty thrones will make a fire for the witches, and the tears you never cried a waterbed
and I, I have heard this before
and I, I am getting so bored
boys bail out
we will write our own biography
breed dies out
whose there to make it up
cry out loud
there will be a shaken century
of aliens and dykes and queens, and all the kings in between, the kings in between
they call it toxic, and i know why, cause it’s making me sick, watching you try not to cry
boys bail out
we will write our own biography
the breed dies out
whose there to make it up
cry out loud
there will be a shaken century
of aliens and dykes and queens, and all the kings in between, the kings in between